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Create a Unified System with HokuApps Data Integration Platform

Connect all disparate data silos spread across your organization, instantly

Connect systems instantly, build applications quickly.
HokuApps Data Platform

Integrate All Data for Maximum Business Value

HokuApps custom-built connectors and reusable components offer rapid and easy system connectivity to suit all API specifications. Choose from more than 500+ API tools to cater to every business requirement.

Using data to get clearer expectations of customer demands is vital, and doing so in a cost-efficient way is key. HokuApps offers organizations the chance to learn more than has ever been possible about what their customers want and the context behind those desires, helping shape the right experience for them.

<p>Connect any number of data endpoints with the HokuApps pre-built connectors to any number of APIs from our store, to suit any workflow, no matter the complexity. The connectors capture and condense all data, eliminating the requirement for multiple connectors while providing active discovery of data from existing and newer sources.</p>

Data Integration Platform

Connect any number of data endpoints with the HokuApps pre-built connectors to any number of APIs from our store, to suit any workflow, no matter the complexity. The connectors capture and condense all data, eliminating the requirement for multiple connectors while providing active discovery of data from existing and newer sources.

Connect Disparate Data
Connect Disparate Data
Unify disparate silos instantly with HokuApps pre-built connectors. Leverage the full power of all your systems on one unified platform to make the most informed decisions with real-time data and analysis.
Instant Integration
Instant Integration
Integrate systems and data in one-click with HokuApps System Oriented Architecture (SOA) engine. Alternatively, you can move data between data sources in batches, all from one platform.
500+ Pre-built Connectors
500+ Pre-built Connectors
With over 500 popular and powerful pre-built connectors, allow instant integration with systems such as SAP, Oracle, Salesforce, Google Drive and Microsoft solutions.
Unify People, Process & Technology
Unify People, Process & Technology
Align your IT with your Business Strategy by forming a seamless alliance of People, Processes, and Technology, to accelerate your Digital Transformation journey.
High Performance with Centralized Dashboard
High Performance with Centralized Dashboard
Our data integration platform collects and analyzes data to increase performance by 5x. Access rich, interactive, web-based reports from ‘anywhere-anytime’ using our inbuilt dashboard engine.
Legacy Systems Modernization
Legacy Systems Modernization
Maximize your application’s value by incorporating third-party services or legacy systems into your apps. HokuApps offers instant integration with 500+ products with custom integration.

Aligning Technology with Business

Over 500 powerful pre-built connectors allow instant integration with popular systems like SAP, Oracle CRM, Salesforce, Microsoft Enterprise Solutions, and Google Drive, among others.

Tailored Professional Services

We offer a host of professional services and are dedicated to serving our customers in a way that can meet their organization's unique needs.

Transform Businesses by Connecting Systems and Data

Connecting Data Across Multiple ERP Systems

Connecting Data Across Multiple ERP Systems

Having multiple ERP solutions alongside diverse communication channels and operations create incredible complexity. HokuApps becomes a central hub for apps and services to interact, making it much easier to maintain everyday operations.
Centralized Dashboarding Solution with Real-time Forecasting

Centralized Dashboarding Solution with Real-time Forecasting

HokuApps platform allowed Teddy Nissan to connect better with customers and deliver business value by increasing automation & manageability over various operational elements.
5 Reasons Businesses Need Data Integration Strategies

5 Reasons Businesses Need Data Integration Strategies

HokuApps Platform is purpose-built with process management tools that turn an app ecosystem into a hub for data sharing across all silos.
Customers Driving Digital Transformation